"The primary goal of Shaolin Europe is the promotion and preservation of the Shaolin arts. 
Activities of Shaolin Europe allow simplified access to this treasure trove of knowledge, by incorporating contemporary communication channels. This concerns, for example, the sustainable provision of digital content for the development of mental, as well as physical well-being at all levels." 

· May the deeds be for the benefit of all present and future beings · 

The Monastery

Live and train in the Shaolin Temple Europe

The Shaolin Temple Europe is a buddhist monastery located in Germany. To study Chan, cultivating Kung Fu and learning more about the Shaolin Arts is part of the educational curriculum of the Shaolin Monks, Masters, Disciples and Novices which are living inside the monastery.

Distant Learning

Start your personal journey towards Self-Mastery

The official training platform from the Shaolin Europe Foundation. Created for dedicated practicioners and everyone who is eager to learn more about Kung Fu, Qi Gong and the Shaolin Arts. 

Shaolin Temple Europe Foundation CLG

Kandoy House . 2 Fairview Strand . Dublin 3 D03Y1E2 | Ireland · Registered in Dublin, Ireland